You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 1.3.20. File - Unit File Update (v2.8) > Adding a New Unit

Adding a New Unit

To add a new unit to the Unit Recognition master file:

  1. Open the Units Update screen.

Refer to "Opening the Unit Master File".

  1. Select FILE | NEW.

Micronet displays the Units Update screen in Add Mode.

  1. Complete the following fields.





Unit Name

Enter a unique ID for each unit to be recognised, e.g. LM for lineal metres.


Unit Type

Select the unit's type, e.g. Linear, Area, Volume.


Round To

If you want Micronet to round units sold to the nearest whole unit, enter the number to round to.



This field relates to how tiles on picking slips are sorted for display on PDAs.

Before you enter anything in this field, the Sort Picking Slips By field on the Invoicing Configuration screen must be set to Tile Order – see "Edit - Program - Invoicing".

Enter a number representing the order in which tiles of this type should displayed on PDAs, e.g. enter 1 if these tiles are to be displayed first, 2 if they are to be displayed second, 3 for third, etc.

  1. Select FILE | SAVE.